Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Divine Moment

The Divine Moment, that sacred space of complete knowing, of standing in our own Divinity. For some it is the first breath of your newborn child, or being held when you need it most. It can mean coming together in sacred ceremony with people you hardly know. Holding space for these Divine moments can take courage for some, for others it's a joyous freedom at last!

Our soul seeks these moments of Divine expression, this freedom to be our true self. Recently I had the honor of holding a sacred ceremony in Bolivar, Ohio with my good friend JoAnna. It was held at the site called the Gates of Isis. About 30 people showed up for this event, many from a group called Merging Hearts. Before entering the space everybody was saged with a turkey vulture feather, rebirth and renewal is the energy of this feather.

Everyone was encouraged to walk into the gates and get a feel for the energies, some were uncertain as to what to do. I was going by Divine inspiration myself, allowing what wanted to be expressed to happen. I did a final saging for all the gates then welcomed everyone to take a place where they were being led.

The words I do not remember, I know that we all connected our hearts as one heart with God/Goddess. As the energies grew within the space, Spirit would give some guidance. The whole process was mostly a free flow experience, allowing the space for us to be the Divine being in action!

Half way through the ceremony a turkey vulture flew into a tree about 20 feet above our heads. The message, we have stepped into the Divine plan of our lives more fully today! We are serving as the Divine messengers we came here to be! Many people stepped into a higher level of their own Divine plan, in selfless service to all.

Through this Divine moment all were touched, all were loved. I encourage everyone to look for your Divine moment! It will present itself.

In Love and Service, Arthur

Monday, June 15, 2009


It seems as though everyone I talk to is releasing something these days. Some are releasing a habit or way of being. A relationship that no longer serves the highest good of either partner. It can be a job that, even though it pays the bills, can no longer be tolerated because we have changed somehow.

As the planetary vibrations shift into higher frequencies, we too shift. We access a higher level of frequencies within ourselves, so the world as we experience it must change to align with who we are now. In my own journey, I see the many expressions of who I think I am or was. The identities of childhood, where acting a certain way made you a good person or not. Giving was a good thing and wanting for yourself was not as popular. As we approach our teens, our attention is focused on relationships, we find ourselves trying to be our self while utilizing the personalities we've acquired. Often there is a kind of emotional struggle within, trying to understand our self.

Before my father crossed over he asked if there were any of his belongings that I would like. I took most of what he offered thinking that my connection would somehow be stronger. The same happened with my mother and younger brother. I had acquired a great deal of things! I put great meaning on these items, they were my connection! I had stories for all of them. I was living my history, my lineage. I was trying to keep them alive and part of my life in the now. The result was that I was not living my own life fully. I had been married twice and have five children. I found that I was doing the same thing with them too. I was locked into what was, what could have been, or what should have been.

Taking a hard look at myself and who I was trying to be within the confines of this self imposed structure is not easy. I had to go into the heart, no not the head/heart, but the real depths of feelings that we can sometimes hide even from our self. The place where our Divine truth lives. This is where we have been protected all our life from those things to difficult to handle at the time they happened. This is the place where we are truly alive! This aliveness waits for our attention, it waits for us to look inside and see our truth.

Recently, I did this. I had done bits and pieces along my journey. I would open the door just a crack, the wave of love and truth washed over me, I wasn't ready! This time I opened the door fully and I am keeping it open! I have found that my truth is not the me I thought I was. That all the things I acquired, materially, mentally and emotionally are not me! I began dumping all of my belongings. I have sold, given or thrown away most of what I was using or storing that does not feel like it has true meaning for me. With this action I have found a sense of peace and relief. It has opened a door inside of me that gives me access to my authentic self.

I no longer feel like I need to play the roles that I thought I was. I don't have to take care of anybody. I don't have to have all the answers. An interesting side effect is a feeling of emptiness. I am clear of the past identities. It is a strange feeling to not have to be anything! To not have fear of losing anything by speaking your truth! I feel like I am in a place where I can start to live!

My advice to those who are thinking along these lines, open your hands and your heart! By releasing, we gain everything!

I wish you Peace and Joy,
